Why Exhaust Fans are Necessary for Your Home

Why Exhaust Fans are Necessary for Your Home

If you have a home with a finished basement or attic that also has a bathroom attached to it, there is a strong chance that those areas don’t have windows or good ventilation to keep the moisture produced by showers or sinks from settling. Whether your house is brand new or centuries old, installing a good ventilation system will greatly improve your air quality and prevent health issues like asthma and allergies. Exhaust Fans are the perfect remedy for a home that has a very poor ventilation system with low air quality.

The air that is settling in your home can be extremely polluted without even noticing it. When mold spores or chemical contaminants infect the air in your home it can cause potentially life threatening results.  Installing an exhaust fan pulls all of the contaminated air from inside the area and blows it outside, helping you breathe easier and improving the quality of air.

Installing exhaust fans is important but installing it in an area that will benefit from the installation is more important. Exhaust fans are installed in areas like kitchens (over the stove) and bathrooms because these are areas that tend to collect moisture and have chemicals emitted in the air. Other areas to install exhaust fans would be laundry rooms and garages.

Kitchen Fans will reduce smoke and gasses created from cooking. Bathroom or laundry room exhaust fans will remove the steam and moisture from the air produced by showers, sinks and washing machines to decrease the probability of mold growth. Garages are usually sealed off from homes, but contaminated air can penetrate a home from a garage through doors and windows. If you have a craft room where paint and other chemicals are used, installing an exhaust fan in the room where those crafts are done is important. Paints, stains and other chemicals can get in the air and cause serious health problems.

For any questions or inquiries about installing exhaust fans please contact Cardoso Electrical Services at 781-246-7700.

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